
Content Credits

All content on this website is our own honest work, beliefs, and experiences. You are more than welcome to get all the benefits of this free content to learn and get inspired in a positive way. We request that any of our content, including videos, graphic files, images, and written articles always provide credit and attribution by linking back to our post or site (www.DolanChick.com).

Please don’t publish any of our content without prior permission and approval. Contact us for editorial, commercial or general online distribution: dolanchick.aliya@gmail.com

Not a Substitute for Professional Culinary or Linguistic Advice

For clarification: although Uyghur is my mother language, which I speak and write fluently, I, aliya, I’m NOT a professional linguist and I’m NOT a professional chef either. I share my knowledge and life experiences of food and language on this website for informational/entertainment purposes only.


Email addresses collected are never used for anything besides informational communication, including updates, news, and content, NO SPAM.


Some links on the site may be affiliate links. If you purchase products using these links, you will help us. Because we receive a tiny commission that helps support DolanChick to keep creating more content. We only share the links we truly like and or use. All opinions are our own.

Last Updated: November 06, 2020